martedì 24 maggio 2011


E ancora fa male!! Almeno a me!! Non so se ancora qualcuno ha la pazienza di venire qua ogni tanto, non me lo meriterei nemmeno, dato che non aggiorno quasi più ormai.. ma c'è veramente poco da dire! Abbiamo detto tutto e il contrario di tutto nei mesi passati! Poi subentra il silenzio!!
E l'elaborazione del lutto :)
Oltre per come è finito, per quanto ci manca Lost!!
Pubblico questo video (ho ricominciato a vederne qualcuno solo qualche tempo fa, causa trauma post finale) giusto a memoria di tante belle scene!! Se ci siete ancora fatevi sentire!!

martedì 23 novembre 2010


Vi segnalo un paio di link.. ora è tardi, per la mia salute e per la vostra non metto direttamente le foto.. intanto vi dico che si tratta di foto scattate ieri..
Ritraggono Josh e Evie.. l'occasione è stata una partita di softball alle Hawaii a cui sono andati insieme!! Dalle foto vi accorgerete che ci sono alcune novità.. NOTEVOLI!!
Respiro profono.. ribadisco aprite con mooolta cautela!!
Io sono ancora in fase di elaborazione lutto!!!!!

lunedì 8 novembre 2010


Sono passati 4 anni da quella che per noi Skater è senza dubbio LA puntata!!
Ne approfitto per pubblicare anche le ultime parti dello script e per celebrare le scene clou.. a prescindere dai gusti e da come poi sono andate le cose, a mio parere queste rimangono scene memorabili, oltre che ben scritte e ottimamente recitate!!! In memeoria dei cari vecchi tempi!! Che nostalgia ragazzi!!!

SAWYER: ‘cause I wanted you to think we had a damn chance

[BAM. there is it , A MOMENT

Sawyer going out on a ledge, telling her, in his own messed up way, that he was PROTECTING HER. and the head is too strong. they’re too close together. the chemistry both of them have been fighting officially COMBUST and
KATE KISSES SAWYER. Long and Hard. finally it ends.

ON SAWYER, surprised.]

SAWYER: what the hell was that for ?

[And maybe it’s because she knows Pickett’s gonna make good on his promise and this is Sawyer’s last night on earth. Maybe it’s because he showed genuine FEELING. And maybe it’s because she really LOVES him. but all she actually SAYS is]

KATE: I…don’t know

[AND sawyer hell, HE KISSES HER RIGHT BACK, and it doesn’t end there as she STUMBLES INTO HIS CAGE

Before we know it, Sawyer’s grabbing Kate’s tank top and pulling it over her head as she starts unbuttoning his shirt. they move further into Sawyer’s cage, oblivious to everything but THIS MOMENT.
And as they begin to go at it big time. they tastefully sink OUT OF FRAME. SO, ladies and gentlemen ? there it is.

Kate and Sawyer are officially GOING AT IT.]

Sawyer and Kate lie in each other’s arms basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Wow — that was pretty AMAZING

But what now ? and we can FEEL the uncertainty and the nervouness creeping in Kate’s expression as she looks at him. Maybe Sawyer senses it because he says

So lemme ask you somethin”
Freckles…When Blockhead was beatin’ on me, and you said “I love you” that was just to get him to stop right …?

Kate freezes. She isn’t sure what she should say here. In truth she’s feeling everything for Sawyer but is afraid if she admits it, puts it out there, it will scare him off. And Sawyer ? Before she can even respond—-

I love you, too

But even he tosses it off like it’s not big deal—- it’s the most sincere thing he’s ever said in his entire life. Kate’s heart lifts. And for this one moment, in time, they are COMPLETELY CONNECTED

giovedì 14 ottobre 2010


Qua tutte le altre foto, per chi voglia andare a vedere..

lunedì 4 ottobre 2010

I DO SCRIPT (seconda parte)

Ringrazio e credito di nuovo Lyly Ford. In questo post pubblico le due scene tra Kate e Juliet, in attesa delle scene cult per noi :)


I’d like you to put this on and come with me, please

ON KATE. though pretty SHAKEN, she’s not about to be intimidated.

You think I’m gonna throw a hood over my own head because you said “please” ?

No, Kate. you’re gonna throw a hood over your own head because the man standing at the table over there, the one who’s burning a hole into my back right now ?

Kate’s eyes flick over Juliet’s shoulder and sure enough, THERE’S PICKETT. Burning a hole into Juliet’s back.

that man is going to kill sawyer.

ON KATE. juliet didn’t present it as a threat, just a simple regrettable fact. and now she EXTENDS THE HOOD AGAIN—

But if you put this on. and you come with me…
(beat, quietly)
there’s something you can do for us that will save his life.

Kate takes one final look over at—

Sawyer. Dropping another ROCK into his wheelbarrow. completely oblivious that nothing less than his LIFE has been offered as part of a BARGAIN thirty yards away…

and after a beat. Kate turns back to Juliet. and she takes the hood. and we ALMOST catch the tear sliding down her cheek as she puts the hood over her head.


kate backs at the cage

she immediately looks around for Sawyer. But his cage is empty. and now she’s worried. Juliet clocks her looking

you really care about him huh ?

It sound almost like ENVY in her voice but kate ain’t giving her nothing

where is he ?

she holds the cage door open. Kate steps into the cage and juliet CLANGS THE DOOR CLOSED. then coolly—


I’m sorry you weren’t able to help us, Kate.

And although we know Juliet probably doesn’t mean that ONE BIT, SOUND FROM BEHIND THEM AS—

Pickett and Jason push SAWYER back from his day at the farm.

On Kate—visible relief. He’s OKAY.

Utenti connessi

venerdì 24 settembre 2010


Ok, guardate il video e sbavate pure.. io non ho altro da aggiungere!!